CAT Full Form in Law

The CAT Full Form in Law is Central Administrative Tribunal. The Central Administrative Tribunal was established under Article 323 -A of the Constitution to resolve disputes and complaints regarding the recruitment and conditions of service of individuals appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or other authorities under the control of the government.

Head and members of the Central Administrative Tribunal:

The Central Administrative Tribunal was founded as a specialist body made up of Administrative Members and Judicial Members who, due to their specialized knowledge, are better suited to administer swift and effective justice. Hon. Justice Ranjit Vasantrao More, retired Chief Justice of the Meghalaya High Court, serves as Chairman of the Central Administrative Tribunal. There are 69 Honorable Members on the Tribunal’s various benches, of which 34 are Judicial Members and 35 are Administrative Members.

Powers of CAT:

The Tribunal has been given the same jurisdiction and authority over contempt of itself as a High Court.  CAT appeals against tribunal orders could be taken to the High Court.  CAT has 17 benches across the country, as well as 21 circuit benches. The CAT Principal Bench hears cases involving the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The Tribunal bases its decisions on natural justice grounds. It is not governed by the Civil Procedure Code.