CPC Full Form in Law

The CPC Full Form in Law is Code of Civil Procedure. CPC is a comprehensive statute in India that sets forth the procedures to be followed in civil courts. It governs how civil disputes are filed, processed, and decided in India. The CPC is separated into two parts; The Body of the Code section comprises provisions addressing general principles such as civil court jurisdiction, suit institution, and trial conduct. The Schedules section comprises specific procedural rules, orders, and forms for civil litigation.

Objectives of Code of Civil Procedure:

The CPC attempts to offer a unified procedure for civil disputes across all Indian courts, ensuring that civil litigation is carried out uniformly. The CPC assures that each party in a civil dispute has an equal opportunity to state their case, defend themselves, and get justice. It establishes a framework for the quick resolution of civil disputes, reducing delays in the judicial process. The CPC establishes a systematic approach for managing various stages of a lawsuit, from filing to execution, thereby decreasing inefficiencies in civil litigation.

Important provisions of CPC:

Unless explicitly forbidden, civil courts have jurisdiction to try all civil cases. Jurisdiction in civil proceedings is determined by criteria such as the case’s subject matter, territorial jurisdiction, and monetary constraints. A civil litigation is initiated by filing a plaint with the court of appropriate jurisdiction. A lawsuit must include critical information such as the cause of action, the parties involved, and the remedies sought by the plaintiff. Individuals can enforce their civil rights through the court procedure.